The Shifting minds: Queensland Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Strategic Plan 2018-2023 sets the five year direction for a whole-of-person, whole-of-community and whole-of-government approach to improving the mental health and wellbeing of Queenslanders.

Our vision
A fair and inclusive Queensland where all people can achieve positive mental health and wellbeing and live lives with meaning and purpose.
Our focus areas
A future state
By 2024, it is expected that progress towards the proposed priority actions will support the achievement of the following outcomes:
Individual outcomes
- People with a lived experience:
- have access to a range of integrated services, in and beyond the health system, close to home
- are able to access and maintain secure housing, education and employment
- are connected to community and able to participate fully in life
- A person’s physical and mental health care needs are equally addressed
- Services are culturally safe and provide trauma-informed care
- People in crisis are able to access appropriate and timely responses
Population outcomes
- Individuals and communities are confident and equipped to maintain their mental health and wellbeing; identify and respond to mental illness, problematic AOD use and suicide risk; and seek appropriate intervention early
- People with a lived experience live in communities free from stigma and discrimination
- Infants and families have the individual, social and economic support for the best possible start in life
- Older Queenslanders are enabled to age well through social connections, economic participation and physical health and wellbeing
- Schools, workplaces and the broader community recognise their role in creating mentally health environments
System outcomes
- Integrated planning, funding and commissioning are embedded practices to achieve balanced growth across the range of interventions
- Shared leadership and accountability is embedded across sectors for achieving individual and population outcomes