Shifting minds: The Queensland Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs, and Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan 2023–2028 is the Queensland Government’s five-year plan to improve the mental health and wellbeing of all Queenslanders.
It focuses on preventing and reducing the impact of mental ill-health, problematic alcohol and other drug use, and suicide.
It sets the vision and direction towards achieving a whole-of-community, whole-of-person and whole-of-system approach to mental health and wellbeing.

About the plan
Shifting minds 2023–2028 is the third strategic plan prepared by the Queensland Mental Health Commission on behalf of the Queensland Government.
It builds upon previous plans and aims to strengthen the reform agenda towards a more integrated and contemporary mental health, alcohol and other drugs, and suicide prevention system in Queensland.
The vision, guiding principles and strategic directions in Shifting minds 2023–2028 are underpinned by current evidence, reviews and inquiry, as well as broad consultation with people and stakeholders throughout Queensland.
Reaching the vision will require joint action, partnership and collaboration within Queensland Government, as well as across a broad range of cross-sector and community partners, including people with lived experience.
Read the media statement from the Minister for Health, Mental Health and Ambulance Services and Minister for Women, the Honourable Shannon Fentiman MP.
Shifting minds sub-plans
Shifting minds 2023–2028 is complemented by two sub-plans:
- Every life: The Queensland Suicide Prevention Plan 2019–2029 and
- Achieving balance: The Queensland Alcohol and Other Drugs Plan 2022–2027.
These plans align with the overarching vision of Shifting minds 2023–2028 and contain more detailed information to guide reform in these areas.
Guiding principles
Focus areas
Strengthen mental health and wellbeing
- Increase individual literacy and community awareness, and address stigma and discrimination
- Support mental health and wellbeing in educational settings and workplaces
- Enhance, support and build community capacity and resilience
Getting in early
- Promote the optimal start in life (0–11 years)
- Support the mental health and wellbeing of young people (12–25 years)
- Reduce the impact of adversity and trauma
Advance First Nations health equity
- Strengthen the social and emotional wellbeing of First Nations Queenslanders
Accessible, coordinated and integrated support, care and treatment
- Improve whole-of-system connections and navigation
- Expand integrated community-based services
- Address inequitable access to services and supports
- Prevent and reduce harms associated with problematic alcohol and other drug use, and gambling
Person-led, trauma-informed and culturally responsive care
- Increase and improve the capacity and capability to provide high-quality care
- Strengthen human rights protections and reduce harm
Active social and economic participation
- Enhance access to housing, and prevent and reduce the impacts of homelessness
- Increase participation in education, training and employment
- Facilitate and support greater social participation and connection
Shifting our approach
- Embed localised responses
- Build a future-focused and innovative system
Enable change
- Strengthen lived experience leadership, participation, co-design and co-production
- Provide longer-term, flexible funding focused on gaps, needs and impact
- Build a skilled, well-resourced and sustainable workforce
- Ensure system planning, design and practice is shaped by timely data and information
Collective responsibility
- Strengthen joint leadership and governance mechanisms for implementation