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Consultation report


To develop Phase Two of Every life, extensive consultation occurred with a wide range of stakeholders including government, community and private sector representatives.

Consultations commenced in October 2022 and activities included a series of workshops that were held in metropolitan, rural, regional and remote locations throughout Queensland. The consultation program included young people, people with a lived experience of suicide, First Nations people, people in rural and remote communities, people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities, and LGBTIQA+ people. A separate consultation process to support the renewal of Shifting minds 2018–2023 provided additional opportunities for gathering suicide prevention information and insights.

Some issues that were identified through consultation require a more comprehensive response. For example, issues such as addressing stigma and discrimination form an important part of Shifting minds 2023–2028, which provides the overall framework for Every life.

A more detailed summary of the consultation outcomes is given in the Every life – Phase Two: Consultation report, and those outcomes are an important component of the information, data and evidence that informed the development of Phase Two of the plan.