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Reducing vulnerability

Strengthen support to people disproportionately impacted

Some groups and communities are more likely to be exposed to or impacted by social, economic and other risk factors for suicide. By addressing those risk factors throughout people’s lives, we can reduce vulnerability.

There is no one-size-fits-all response to suicidal behaviour, and the most effective responses are those that are matched with people’s situations and needs across life stages.

To address suicide, we need to identify who is most at risk, and use a whole-of-life perspective to understand why they are vulnerable.

Reducing vulnerability requires consideration of people’s life circumstances, tailoring supports that can address the factors that influence suicidal behaviours, and effectively engaging with groups that are most at risk.

Reducing vulnerability also requires recognition of the ways that past experiences, such as trauma and adversity, can affect a person’s present life, as well as providing appropriate support at points of stress or transition.


Prioritise men’s suicide prevention

16. Develop strategies to address contributors to male suicide including service appropriateness, service gaps and system navigation.

Tailor responses and supports for populations disproportionately impacted by suicide

17. Implement a standing systemic suicide death review function to identify opportunities for system improvements, with emphasis on improving responses to groups who are disproportionately impacted by suicide.
18. Support the development and implementation of community-led and place-based suicide prevention initiatives for groups who may be at higher risk of suicide.
19. Identify and implement suicide prevention-specific initiatives as part of the whole-of-government strategy to address social isolation and loneliness.
20. Identify and promote models of service that have proven effective in reducing suicide risk in groups disproportionately impacted by suicide.

Improve system-wide responses to people who have experienced adversity and trauma

21. Support the development and initial implementation of the planned whole-of-government trauma strategy.
22. Develop resources and training to improve knowledge about relationships between adversity, trauma and suicide.

Create targeted responses and supports that consider key stressors, life stages and transition points

23. Co-design suicide prevention literacy, supports and services for specific groups and life stages, including care transitions such as exiting out-of-home care, entering or being released from justice settings, leaving military service, finishing or disengaging from education or vocational settings, and entry into aged care or supported living.
24. Co-design advice, information and referral pathways for older people during key transition points, such as entering retirement and losing employment, losing a partner, declining physical health and loss of independence.
25. Develop, implement and evaluate scalable early interventions for people experiencing the end of an intimate relationship, employment or workplace distress, financial distress and isolation and loneliness.