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Enabling reform

Strengthen the systemic enablers for reform

To prevent suicide, we need to strengthen the systemic enablers for reform through greater governance and accountability, embedding lived experience of suicide leadership, enhancing data, research and evaluation, and building greater workforce and community capability.

Developing a well-coordinated, integrated suicide prevention system requires removing systemic barriers that can hinder effective collaboration.

Enabling reform includes seeking new perspectives and different forms of knowledge, fostering accountability, and actively looking for ways to improve our collective practices and policies.

To drive reform, we must be flexible in what we do and open to trying new ways of designing, delivering and funding services and other supports. Reform also needs to be based on and informed by high-quality evidence, and be robustly evaluated.


Create a more coordinated and integrated approach to suicide prevention

37. Coordinate a working group to identify best practice models for local, state and national collaboration, including planning, joint funding and co-commissioning arrangements to drive system integration.
38. Pilot and evaluate new approaches to integrating services and community-based supports, based on best practice models.

Strengthen lived experience leadership in suicide prevention

39. Embed engagement, co-design and co-delivery with people who have lived experience of suicide
into governance, leadership, research, evaluation and programs.
40. Strengthen lived experience of suicide leadership capability through investment in training and
mentoring programs.
41. Drive cultural change within government to increase engagement, integration and partnership with
people with lived experience in policy and program development and delivery through providing training, resources and ongoing supports.

Strengthen First Nations leadership in suicide prevention

42. Work with remote and discrete communities through the Local Thriving Communities reform to develop community-led responses to local issues to reduce suicide.
43. Expand suicide prevention capability and capacity within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Controlled Health Organisations.
44. Support pathways to greater First Nations participation in suicide prevention leadership, governance and program implementation.