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QMHC Strategic plan

Our strategic plan outlines our vision, purpose, objectives, strategies, performance indicators and risk management environment.

View the Strategic Plan 2024-2028

The Queensland Mental Health Commission (the Commission) was established on 1 July 2013 by the Queensland Mental Health Commission Act 2013 (the Act).

The Commission’s role under the Act is to drive ongoing reform towards a more integrated, evidence-based, recovery-orientated mental health, alcohol and other drugs, and suicide prevention system in Queensland.

The Act sets out the Commission’s functions, which underpin the Strategic plan and program of work.

Our objectives

The wellbeing of Queenslanders is promoted and supported

Mental health and wellbeing is better understood, maintained and proactively supported in Queensland communities.

System reform is supported and advanced

Reform effort is coordinated and integrated across the mental health, alcohol and other drugs, suicide prevention and related systems.

Policy and practice is grounded in evidence and best-practice

Best-practice and knowledge translation is embedded in the mental health, alcohol and other drugs, and suicide prevention system to improve quality and performance.

Lived and living experience, and First Nations expertise drives system reform

Lived, living and First Nations experience is embedded in governance, decision-making, design and implementation.