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We publish registers relating to grants, sponsorships, contracts and corporate gifts as part of our commitment to openness and transparency.


Our grant program supports innovative initiatives that improve the mental health and wellbeing, and social inclusion of Queenslanders with a lived experience of mental illness, problematic alcohol and other drug use, or those impacted by suicide.  

The grant register publishes details of individual grant recipients, grant amounts and project summaries.


Our sponsorship register publishes approved sponsorships in each quarter, including recipients, value of sponsorship and the name of the sponsored activity. Read how to make a Sponsorship application.

Contracts & consultancies

We maintain a register of information about contracts and consultancies valued at over $20 000 between the Commission and non-government agencies. The register is published in our Annual Report.

Gifts and benefits

Public service employees cannot be offered, accept, or give gifts and benefits that affect, could affect or be perceived to affect their doing their jobs impartially.

We record gifts and benefits received or given with a retail value of more than $150 in our Gifts and Benefits register. 

Gift and Benefit Register - March Quarter 2023