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Australian and New Zealand Addiction Conference

Monday, 28th May 2018 to Wednesday, 30th May 2018
Major event
QT Gold Coast
Gold Coast

The 4th annual conference will cover a broad range of topics that will include prevention, treatment, systematic responses, behaviours, mental health and harm reduction in relation to all types of addiction. 

The program will include emerging trends and the various addictive habits of alcohol and other drugs, gambling, internet, sex, gaming,  food, shopping, pyromania, kleptomania to name a few.

The conference promotes and encourages participation from all parts of the sector towards a shared appreciation of what medical, psychosocial and peer based approaches offer, through the experiences of service users, clinicians and researchers alike.  Presenters are encouraged to focus on not only what they have discovered but also on how delegates can apply their learnings.

To register, submit an abstract or sponsor the conference, go to the Addiction Conference 2018 website