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Contributing to System Change - Partners in Recovery - 19 March 2015

19 Mar 2015

I see from the letter of invitation that this forum is about consulting and contributing to system change. Simple words, complex problems.

The Commission was established to enhance the mental health and wellbeing of Queenslanders through strategic planning, monitoring and review, and prevention, early intervention and community awareness strategies.

The success of the Commission lies in its capacity to influence others, in particular policy makers, service funders and service providers to work in a collaborative way to best meet the needs of individuals, communities and workplaces to improve mental health and wellbeing.

We will continue to survey and assess our impact in everything that we do, to check: have we been inclusive? Has our research been useful? Have our recommendations changed WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS? The best report in the world is of no use unless it informs decision-making and action.

Read the full speech here.