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Every life Phase One

Suicide has devastating impacts on families, friends and communities. Suicide rates in Queensland and nationally have risen throughout the past 10 years, despite ongoing investment in suicide prevention.

Reducing Queensland’s suicide rate is a Queensland Government priority under Our Future State: Advancing Queensland’s Priorities.

Every life: The Queensland Suicide Prevention Plan 2019-2029 is a whole-of-government plan that provides renewed approach for suicide prevention in Queensland, as well as renewed drive and urgency to reduce suicide.

The plan is backed by a State Budget 2019-20 investment of $80.1 million.

Every life: Phase One

The Every life plan recognises suicide is preventable and emphasises the vital importance of working together to reduce suicide.

The plan acknowledges that effective suicide prevention requires responses beyond health services and must incorporate the voices of people with lived experience.

It aligns with national and international best practice, evidence and innovation.

Understanding that change will take time, Every life is a 10-year plan with three distinct phases. Each phase will be reviewed and refreshed. Phase Two and Three will be build on achievements and learnings of the previous phase. 

The Every life plan sits under the Shifting minds: Queensland Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Strategic Plan 2018-2023.

Action areas

Four action areas have been identified for Phase One which support the critical shifts needed to cement the foundation for ongoing reform. 



Putting the plan into action requires continued support, commitment and cooperation across all government departments and agencies, public and private sectors and the general community.

The plan’s implementation is the responsibility of all Queensland Government agencies.

A cross-sector Queensland suicide prevention network will also support implementation.


Evaluation is critical for creating a stronger evidence base to drive continuous improvement in suicide prevention policy, services and programs.

Evaluation will include:

  1. Content/process evaluation measuring how well the plan has been implemented
  2. Implementation/outcomes evaluation measuring the effectiveness of actions and initiatives
  3. Impact evaluation measuring reduction in suicide, suicide attempts and suicide crisis.

The University of Melbourne has been engaged to conduct an independent evaluation of the ten year scope of the Every life suicide prevention plan.

Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2015-17

The Every life suicide prevention plan supercedes the Queensland Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2015-17.