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Queensland trauma strategy

The Commission is developing a Queensland trauma strategy that will focus on the prevention of trauma, improving the supports provided to people who have experienced trauma (and their families and friends), and reducing the long term impact on individuals and the Queensland community.

The development of a trauma strategy is also a recommendation of the Queensland Parliamentary Mental Health Select Committee's Inquiry into the opportunities to improve mental health outcomes for Queenslanders.

To develop the strategy, we will be engaging with people with lived experience, families and carers, a broad range of stakeholders, and the Queensland community.

Our trauma consultation website includes information on stakeholder and community forums, a webinar and opportunities to make written submissions.

Why is this important?

Trauma affects a significant portion of Australians, with an estimated 75% having experienced a traumatic event in their lives.

These experiences can include childhood adversity, intergenerational trauma, exposure to violence, trauma caused by extreme weather events or natural disasters, or mass adverse experiences.

We are guided by what people who have experienced trauma are sharing with us - that sometimes the services and systems set up to help can unintentionally cause further harms. We recognise that people who work in services and systems can also be hurting. We are committed to taking action that will increase safety and healing for all Queenslanders. 

While most people who experience or are affected by a traumatic event recover quickly, a small proportion may experience longer-term challenges.

The experience of adversity and trauma can impact individuals, families, and communities in diverse and unique ways.

A strategic, whole-system approach is essential for shaping a trauma-informed Queensland, emphasising prevention, early intervention, and the provision of effective, timely support for individuals, families and communities impacted by trauma.

Our approach

  1. Comprehensive engagement: Consultation and engagement with individuals with lived experience, families, carers and support people, communities, and cross-sectoral stakeholders is at the heart of our strategy. Through forums, webinars, and submission opportunities, we're fostering a dialogue that encompasses the whole Queensland community.
  2. Cross-sector collaboration: Recognising the multifaceted nature of trauma, our strategy involves cross-sectoral collaboration and partnership to enhance outcomes.
  3. Comprehensive research approach: Acknowledging the complexity of trauma and adversity, our strategy is underpinned by a thorough review of literature, fostering a robust, evidence-based foundation for informed decision-making and enhanced outcomes that is grounded in the Queensland context.
  4. Trauma-informed approaches: Promoting a shared understanding and practice of trauma-informed approaches are critical. This ensures that agencies across sectors can provide coordinated, comprehensive, and compassionate support, enhancing the effectiveness of our collective approach.

Your voice is essential

Consultation and engagement opportunities are expected to commence in March 2024 and run until the end of April 2024.

See our trauma consultation website for opportunities to participate and help shape a trauma-informed Queensland. The consultation website also includes consultation papers that address: 

  1. Importance of concepts and context
  2. Across the life course
  3. Supporting diverse needs and experiences
  4. Specific contexts and environments.

Your wellbeing is our priority

Your mental and emotional wellbeing is our priority. If you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed or just need someone to talk to, please remember that a range of resources and services are available to assist you.

How does this support reform?

 A trauma strategy supports the following reform commitments:

Consultation website

Our trauma consultation website hosts: 

  1. Consultation papers
  2. Information about trauma consultation events
  3. A survey about what the priorities for addressing trauma should be
  4. Information about making a written submission.

Further information

For more details or to get involved, contact us at
